Image 18: 42 men hauling the rebuild of a standard block of Cheops (2.5 tons) on a cedar wood slide – pulling test in Thailand

Image 18: 42 men hauling the rebuild of a standard block of Cheops (2.5 tons) on a cedar wood slide – pulling test in Thailand

Here: Only a fitful movement of the block is possible, underground: clay soil. A break every five minutes in the hot climate of the tropics.

Finding: This test shows, that the construction of a pyramid, like the Cheops Pyramid, using. The haulage of stones on wooden slides (6 million tons of stone within 20 years) was hardly possible.

Image 19: 42 men totally exhausted after four haulage moves of a total of 20 minutes

Image 19: 42 men totally exhausted after four haulage moves of a total of five minutes

Break beside a stone block. My sincere thanks to the students of the Khon-Kean University of Thailand.


  • Ships build the Great Pyramid
  • up to 43 metres in length, floating in 7 pits…
  • 2 to 8 metres in length, floating in water tanks of 223 stone lifting machines and stone installing Machines…
  • 6,000,000 tons of stone transported beneath the water surface…
  • 70,000 workers where slaves
  • according to Herodotus 100,000…
  • 30,000 could have been on self-agreed employment for Cheops…
  • System of small canals on the Giza Plateau
  • The heart of the entire building technology was a system of small canals with about 100.000 cubic metres of water used as water ways and energy storages…

…are the quintessence , comprehensively treated in my third book.

I do admit, that to some readers it may seem a rather unconventional way of a building technology, realizing that it is contrary to the until now taught way of constructing pyramids.

Still I do hope that I can furthermore reach the many readers, who can deliver constructive criticism. I would, however, be extremely happy, if I could reach some of those readers who actually can understand the proceedings, but for some reasons simply refuse to do so.


Helmar Neubacher

gebaut mit den eigenen

published in September 2008

ISBN: 978-3-8370-6236-6
Language: German

Here you can order the first book online:
Order 2

published in April 2009

ISBN: 978-3-8370-2310-7
Language: German

Here you can order the second book online:
As eBook:

ISBN: 978-3732206421
Language: German

Order 3
Vermächtnis des Herodot
zum Bau der Cheops-

published in December 2010

ISBN: 978-3-8391-1486-5
Language: German

Here you can order the third book online:
As eBook:

ISBN: 978-3844876703
Language: German

From each copy sold, 25 %
of the author's royalties are
donated towards children in
danger of starvation.

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